• Verizon Galaxy Nexus car dock lacks three-pin connection of its HSPA twin, requires manual micro-USB connection

    By Mat Smith posted Dec 19th 2011 2:27PM

    While Verizon customers are happily lording it over their HSPA-bound counterparts with those LTE speeds, they may be less happy to hear about the lower-grade car dock they've been saddled with. Setting you back $40, the dock is a protective bracket for your phone that attaches to your windscreen with a suction cup. However, the GSM version includes the Galaxy Nexus' three-pin contacts, with micro-USB and mic ports built into the dock, meaning there's no need to constantly plug and unplug -- unlike the US model. Take a judicious look at the two images above; on the right is the predominantly hollow Verizon-branded car dock, while the similarly-shaped (but internally different) dock on the left is the UK's official Galaxy Nexus version. Why the difference? It's a transatlantic mystery to us.

    [Thanks Brian]

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    Peliculas Online

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